lypus currently supports only 32K (Medium Density) and 128K (High Denisty) Devices. Where only STM8S105 has been tested. lypus only works in "REPLY Mode" at the moment - meaning that every received byte has to be echoed back to the STM8 Reading from STM8 is very slow due to a serial write lag of around 10ms per single transfer - this issue needs more investigation "serinfo.flags |= ASYNC_LOW_LATENCY;" didn't resolve this issue. As we are working in "REPLY Mode" this issue really slows things down when reading from the STM8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /------------------------------------------------- To add suport for your MCU: create a json file like the stm8s105c6.json with your memory maps, registers , and bootloader... the values you dont have put ZERO on them drope me a line you you have a file like this , for other than stm8s105c6 mcu ;), I will add it to the project ;) make clean make all