//1.1. Available power? function B_1() { Eff = eval(document.um.T3.value); Pe = eval(document.um.T4.value); Pt = Pe*Eff/100; document.um.T7.value = Pt; document.um.T8.value = Pt*735.49875; document.um.T9.value = document.um.T8.value; } //1.4. Maximum speed? function B_2() { Pt = eval(document.um.T9.value); Cd = eval(document.um.T1.value); A = eval(document.um.T2.value); r = 1.2; temp1 = Cd * (1/2) * r * A; temp1 = Pt / temp1; temp1 = Math.pow(temp1,(1/3)); // raíz cúbica document.um.T10.value = temp1; // velocity [m/s] document.um.T11.value = temp1 * 3.60; // velocity [km/h] document.um.T12.value = temp1 * 2.2369362920544024; // velocity [mph] } //1.5. Higher ratio? function B_4() { rpm_P = eval(document.um.T13.value); document.um.T56.value = rpm_P; document.um.T59.value = rpm_P; w_diam = eval(document.um.T14.value); differential = eval(document.um.T15.value); v_max = eval(document.um.T10.value); high_ratio = (rpm_P *2*Math.PI/60) * ((w_diam*0.0254)/2) / (v_max*differential); document.um.T16.value = high_ratio; document.um.T28.value = high_ratio; } //2.1. Force due to the slope? function B_5() { mass = eval(document.um.T17.value); load = eval(document.um.T18.value); percent_incl = eval(document.um.T19.value); safety = eval(document.um.T20.value); Eff = eval(document.um.T3.value)/100; F_slope = (mass+load) * 9.81 * (percent_incl/100) * safety / Eff; document.um.T21.value = F_slope; } //2.2. Available tangential force in the tyres: function B_6() { F_slope = eval(document.um.T21.value); w_diam = eval(document.um.T14.value); torque = eval(document.um.T22.value); clutch_eff = eval(document.um.T24.value); differential = differential = eval(document.um.T15.value); low_ratio = F_slope * ((w_diam * 0.0254)/2) / (torque * (clutch_eff/100) * differential); document.um.T25.value = low_ratio; document.um.T26.value = low_ratio; } //3. Determination of the CVT's symmetric ratios: //Thus we invert the low.ratio : function B_7() { low_ratio = eval(document.um.T25.value); high_ratio = eval(document.um.T16.value); cf = eval(document.um.T73.value); k = Math.sqrt(low_ratio*high_ratio*cf); document.um.T70.value = k; s_l_ratio = low_ratio/k; s_h_ratio = high_ratio/k; document.um.T29.value = s_l_ratio; document.um.T54.value = s_l_ratio; document.um.T30.value = s_h_ratio; document.um.T55.value = s_h_ratio; } //4. CVT dimensions: //4.1. Pulley: function B_8() { D1 = eval(document.um.T31.value); s_h_ratio = eval(document.um.T30.value); D2 = D1/s_h_ratio; document.um.T32.value = D2; document.um.T33.value = D2; document.um.T50.value = D1; document.um.T53.value = D1; document.um.T51.value = D2; document.um.T52.value = D2; } //Thus the belt_length function B_9() { D1 = eval(document.um.T31.value); D2 = eval(document.um.T32.value); a = eval(document.um.T34.value); belt_length = 2*a+(Math.PI/2)*(D2+D1)+(D2-D1)*(D2-D1)/(4*a) document.um.T35.value = belt_length; } //5.1 Velocities in the lowest ratio: function B_15() { n1 = eval(document.um.T56.value); s_l_ratio = eval(document.um.T29.value); n2 = n1/s_l_ratio; document.um.T57.value = n2; D1 = eval(document.um.T31.value)/1000; Belt_speed = ((n1*2*Math.PI/60)*(D1/2)); document.um.T58.value = Belt_speed; } //5.2 Velocities in the highest ratio: function B_16() { n1 = eval(document.um.T59.value); s_h_ratio = eval(document.um.T30.value); n2 = n1/s_h_ratio; document.um.T60.value = n2; D1 = eval(document.um.T32.value)/1000; Belt_speed = ((n1*2*Math.PI/60)*(D1/2)); document.um.T61.value = Belt_speed; } //6.1. Friction coefficient: function B_12() { mu = eval(document.um.T40.value); betha = eval(document.um.T41.value)*Math.PI/180; mu_e = mu/Math.sin(betha/2); document.um.T42.value = mu_e; } //6.2. Belt tensions in the lowest ratio: function B_13() { a = eval(document.um.T34.value); D1 = eval(document.um.T50.value); D2 = eval(document.um.T51.value); alpha = 2*Math.acos((D2-D1)/(2*a)); document.um.T39.value = alpha *180/Math.PI; mu_e = eval(document.um.T42.value); T12 = Math.exp(mu_e * alpha); document.um.T36.value = T12; Pe = eval(document.um.T4.value)*735.49875; Belt_speed = eval(document.um.T58.value); T1 = (Pe/Belt_speed)/(1-1/T12); document.um.T38.value = T1; T2 = T1/T12; document.um.T37.value = T2; shaft_load = Math.sqrt(T1*T1+T2*T2-2*T1*T2*Math.cos(alpha)); document.um.T43.value = shaft_load; clamping_force = ( Pe/Belt_speed )/ mu_e; document.um.T71.value = clamping_force ; } //6.3. Belt tensions in the highest ratio: function B_14() { a = eval(document.um.T34.value); D1 = eval(document.um.T52.value); D2 = eval(document.um.T53.value); alpha = 2*Math.acos((D1-D2)/(2*a)); document.um.T45.value = alpha *180/Math.PI; mu_e = eval(document.um.T42.value); T12 = Math.exp(mu_e * alpha); document.um.T46.value = T12; Pe = eval(document.um.T4.value)*735.49875; Belt_speed = eval(document.um.T61.value); T1 = (Pe/Belt_speed)/(1-1/T12); document.um.T47.value = T1; T2 = T1/T12; document.um.T48.value = T2; shaft_load = Math.sqrt(T1*T1+T2*T2-2*T1*T2*Math.cos(alpha)); document.um.T49.value = shaft_load; clamping_force = ( Pe/Belt_speed )/ mu_e; document.um.T72.value = clamping_force ; } function calculate_tyre() { w=document.um.width.value; a=document.um.aspect.value; ws=document.um.wheelSize.value; diameter_meter=(2*(w/25.4)*(a/100)-(ws*-1))*0.0254; diameter_mm=(2*(w/25.4)*(a/100)-(ws*-1))*25.4; diameter_inch=2*(w/25.4)*(a/100)-(ws*-1); document.um.T14.value=diameter_inch.toPrecision(3); }